Animal Crossing Plaza now available to download on Wii U, Miiverse community opens

11 years ago 12 Comments


Announced on today’s Nintendo Direct, Nintendo has created a Miiverse community on Wii U for the Animal Crossing series. Of course, Miiverse is still inaccessible on Nintendo 3DS where the latest game is played, so the whole idea is rather odd to say the least.


In addition to the basic Miiverse community, a new application to available to download today from the Nintendo eShop to use called the Animal Crossing Plaza. This is where things get a little more interesting…


It’s basically a fancy Animal Crossing version of the default Wara Wara plaza on Wii U, but with Animal Crossing characters roaming about instead of just Miis, and only posts from the Animal Crossing community.

The characters themselves seem to display messages too though, including Nat reminding you of the upcoming Bug Off for example, and just chatting with you. We’re not quite sure the extent of this yet though.


You can also import all of your Animal Crossing: New Leaf screenshots onto the application through photo albums, and easily share and upload select ones to the Miiverse community. QR Code sharing is encouraged through the Able Sisters characters too.


It definitely seems like a great official way to share screenshots and QR codes with the community. It’s just sad that something like this wasn’t envisioned for the actual Nintendo 3DS instead, as a Wii U app won’t be useful to most 3DS owners at this point in time.

The Animal Crossing Plaza service will be discontinued at the end of 2014, potentially indicating plans for a Wii U game release around that time.

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