The lead composer for Animal Crossing: New Leaf is leading The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s soundtrack

An interesting little musical tidbit for fans of both the Animal Crossing and The Legend of Zelda series has been revealed recently.
The previously lead music composer for Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Manaka Kataoka, is reportedly leading up the soundtrack for the upcoming Zelda title Breath of the Wild for Wii U and Nintendo Switch. This information comes from the 30th Anniversary Zelda concert played across Japan last year.
In addition to Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Manaka Kataoka has also had her hand in music composition for Animal Crossing: City Folk, The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and Wii Fit in recent years. Although it might seem like a strange choice to some at first, the tone of the game’s large open-world seems quite fitting actually.
Those who have been following Breath of the Wild closely so far know that the game doesn’t tend to have much prominent music while exploring the open-world, but more subtle ambient undertones. There’s definitely a comparison to made there in regard to the often subtle hourly background tracks of Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
That’s not to say there won’t be more dramatic music featured as well though. For a sneak peek at Kataoka’s upcoming work, listen to the main theme for Breath of the Wild from the E3 2016 trailer below:
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