Animal Crossing and other Nintendo franchise stickers come to popular messaging app LINE

9 years ago 5 Comments

Have you always been sorely missing out on expressing your emotions through Animal Crossing stickers in your text messaging? Finally, your prayers have been answered.

Nintendo have recently released new Animal Crossing themed stickers, featuring lovely new 2D art with characters from Happy Home Designer and New Leaf, for use in the popular messaging application LINE. This marks another example of Nintendo’s recent efforts to expand their IP out in previously uncharted territory for the company.


You can pick these up right now to spam your friends with Animal Crossing stickers yourself at the LINE Store for about two dollars. And be sure to check out the website yourself even just to look as like many LINE stickers, these are all wonderfully animated too!

A set of stickers for Splatoon are available as well for free after adding the official Nintendo LINE account to your contacts, but only in Japan at least right now.

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