Ultra High Resolution Animal Crossing: New Horizons Box Artwork Released

5 years ago 3 Comments

We’ve got a new super high resolution version of last month’s amazing Animal Crossing: New Horizons key artwork used on the game’s box art!

The new higher resolution version measures at a whopping 9000 pixels wide and allows us to get a closer or sharper look at some details that remained difficult to see previously.

Check it out below, but be sure to actually click on it to get to the actual full resolution version with lowest compression — it might take some time to load too if your connection is poor:

While this is technically one month old artwork, there are a few new things to spot that we couldn’t quite see with the older version’s comparatively low resolution.

Here’s a quick summary of tweets we posted showing both new things and just pretty shots that aren’t new, but look nicer in the sharper version:








Finally, we have a really nice vertical wallpaper perfectly sized for your smartphone with a tall screen showing off Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ gorgeous nature — that waterfall and those cedar trees are something else!

Once again, be sure to click on it to access the full resolution version with lowest compression:

Thank you to yoshinori123 on Reddit for sharing the artwork!

Animal Crossing: New Horizons launches worldwide in less than two months from now on March 20th! Check out our release date countdown here, or pre-order the game here. Stay tuned to Animal Crossing World for more news as we approach the release!

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