TRICK: How To Order Cataloged Amiibo Posters Without The Amiibo in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

5 years ago 11 Comments

There’s over 300 different posters you can unlock with Amiibo in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and we have a trick today for how you can more easily obtain them with catalog ordering!

After writing our guide on the Sanrio Amiibo Cards and their exclusive posters yesterday, we learned from a reader on Twitter that it’s actually possible for players who haven’t scanned the amiibo to re-order these items from the catalog with a little trick.

First though, let’s back up a few steps and explain exactly how the Amiibo Posters typically work in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. When you scan a compatible amiibo at Harvey’s Island, the corresponding character’s special poster item is automatically unlocked!

After an Amiibo Poster is unlocked, you can access and order a copy of the item from the Special Goods section of the Nook Shopping menu at any time. But notably, these posters don’t show up anywhere else in your Nook Shopping catalog — we checked over the entire Furniture section with no results.

If you don’t have an amiibo to scan yourself, this is quite the problem because the Special Goods section of posters only includes the posters for Amiibo you’ve scanned yourself and doesn’t include ones simply ‘catalogued’ from another player.

However, it turns out that these posters can actually be discovered in your Nook Shopping catalog by utilizing the Search feature. Just type in ‘poster’ to find every Amiibo Poster you’ve picked up so far and make any orders you want, just like normal!

By using this feature, you can easily get posters for amiibo that you don’t own by simply ‘cataloging’ dropped items from a friend. For those not familiar, cataloging refers to the act of dropping an item for another player to pick up and then drop back down for you to reclaim.

When you do this, the other player can now order the item themselves at their own cost from Nook Shopping, without you needing to give up your copy of the item or purchase another one for them. It’s a great way to get new items in Animal Crossing: New Horizons with little hassle!

Previously, we were under the impression that this wasn’t possible to do with the Amiibo Posters since they could only be found in the Special Goods menu and did not appear to show up anywhere in the regular catalog. This neat little trick changes that though and we hope it will be helpful for you!

While we can’t say for sure, we have a strong suspicion that this may actually be an unintended glitch and could be fixed in a future game update to Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It simply doesn’t make any sense that the posters would be hidden in every other view of the catalog, but appear in an search.

Of course, the glitch could be backwards in the other direction and the posters are actually intended to appear everywhere. Either way, something is definitely amiss here in our opinion!

For more on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, check out our many helpful pages on the game in the Guides section here.

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