Latest Posts: Screenshots

Tweet #35: Mushroom Season

12 years ago 6 Comments

November is upon us and the Mushroom season has begun! During the Mushroom season, you’ll find all kinds of mushrooms under the trees in your town. Skinny and round are just some of the types of mushroom to be found.

Speculation: In City Folk, the entire month of November was Mushroom season. There were five types of mushrooms: Elegant, Rare, Flat, Skinny, and Round. In addition, some of the mushrooms you picked up were actually Mushroom furniture. Based on this tweet, I’m thinking the season will be exactly the same in New Leaf but I guess we’ll know for sure soon.

Tweet Translation:

 Everyooone! Today marks the start of November! I found some mushrooms growing when I was taking a stroll this morning! Skinny mushrooms, round mushrooms, there are a lot of different kinds, but when it comes to fall, you want to be sure and eat an aromatic elegant mushroom too, right? Though their price can be pretty high…!

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog. Translations by Sumwheat.

Tweet #34: Halloween Festival

12 years ago 5 Comments

It’s Halloween and the Halloween Festival in town has begun! Everyone is dressed up in different costumes to go around trick-or-treating in the village for candy.

Tweet Translation:

The Halloween festival has begun! We are dressed up in a bunch of different costumes going around trick-or-treating and collecting candy. I hope we can enjoy next year’s Halloween with even more people!

Speech Bubble Translation:


Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog. Translations by Sumwheat.

Tweet #33: Music Box

12 years ago 2 Comments

A giant clam shell taken to R Parkers along with a music track can be made into a… music box! Awesome.

Tweet Translation:

My remake order is finished! A giant clam shell together with music makes a lovely music box? You can enjoy them a few different ways: to play your favorite songs, to decorate your room, and as a music box!

Speech Bubble Translation:

Should I take the ‘K.K. Milonga’ I ordered home?

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog. Translations by Sumwheat.

Tweet #32: Giant Clam Shell

12 years ago 6 Comments

Sometimes you’ll find a giant clam shell on the beach. If you take it to R Parkers along with a certain something else, then you can have it remade into something really nice looking.


Tweet Translation:

Good morning everyoone! I found a giant clam shell when I was talking a walk on the beach this morning. If you take a giant clam shell and a certain ‘something’ to R-Parkers, you can get it remade into something really nice! I’ll let you know what it is when it’s finished!

Speech Bubble Translation:

Giant Clam Shell

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog. Translations by Sumwheat.

Tweet #31: Rover

12 years ago 4 Comments

Rover is aboard the train just like in the original Animal Crossing. He’s quite chatty about where you’re headed so don’t miss your stop! You can also spot a monkey who is most likely Porter or a co-worker of Porter in the background.

Tweet Translation:

This afternoon I had an errand to run so took the train. On the train, Rover came and asked me where I was going and then we really started chatting, so much so that I almost missed my stop~!!!

Speech Bubble Translation:

So, Shizue… Where are you headed to?

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog. Translations by Sumwheat.

Tweet #30: Halloween Masks

12 years ago 2 Comments

It’s almost Halloween! There’s a Halloween festival going on in the village so the accessory section of Able Sister’s is full with Halloween Masks!

Tweet Translation:

Everyoone! October finally comes to an end this week! And at the end of the month on the 31th is Halloween! We are having a Halloween festival in our village, so the accessory section of the tailors has been packed everyday with customers coming to buy masks!

Speech Bubble Translation:

Oh my, It gives off this ‘Crazy’  feel, and looks great on you

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog. Translations by Sumwheat.

Tweet #29: Relaxation Salon

12 years ago 4 Comments

This time we’re getting look at the Relaxation Salon. When you go here, you will be able to relax and enter a “dream” state. Then, you can enter dream versions of other villages as well as allow others to dream of your village!

Tweet Translation:

Speaking of dreams, recently the Relaxation Salon has been a hot topic. There you can have dreams of many different villages. It’s not just about having dreams but you can also have others dream of your village too! I wonder if our village could do that too? I gotta talk with the new mayor when they get here!

Speech Bubble Translation:

Yumemi: Ok then…I shall now lower the lights…

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog. Translations by Sumwheat.