A Fan Translation of the Iwata Asks for Animal Crossing: New Leaf

11 years ago 7 Comments


Back in November last year when Animal Crossing: New Leaf was released in Japan, an Iwata Asks was released for the game in Japanese. Nintendo of America is likely to translate the interview when we get closer to June but until then, a fan has translated all 6 parts released.

For those who don’t know; Iwata Asks is an interview series where the president of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, conducts interviews with the development teams on many Nintendo games.

Anyway, I’ve included the beginning of the interview below, but head over the links to read the full fan translation conducted by KameDaniRyuu on Tumblr. All credit goes to them!

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

Part 1: Creating an All New Animal Crossing

Iwata:  Looking at the fan reaction to previous Nintendo Directs about Animal Crossing New Leaf’s release date and the Animal Crossing Direct (10/05/12), I was reminded that a lot of fans are really looking forward to Animal Crossing.  For this entry in the series, the development cycle was really long but you’ve finally made it.

Moro: That’s true.

Kyougoku: You’re correct.

Iwata:  Today, I’d like to ask about how you made Animal Crossing New Leaf.  First, I’d like to ask everyone to introduce themselves and tell us what you were in charge of.

Kyougoku: I’m Aya Kyougoku and I work in production.  For Animal Crossing New Leaf I worked with Moro-san as director and was in charge of a number of things ranging from overall new game details to specific details.


Moro:  I’m Isao Moro and also work in production.  Just like Kyougoku-san I worked as director and as such was in charge of overseeing the project.  I also worked on fine tuning specific parts of the game system.


Takahashi: I’m Kouji Takahashi from production.  For New Leaf, I worked as the lead designer and was in charge of bringing all the design ideas together.


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