Character Creator and Editor detailed in new Animal Crossing: New Horizons videos, pray for Harriet

New details about exactly how you will customize your character in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, both at the beginning of the game and later on, have been revealed in a series of videos from Tom Nook!
The first videos shared by the Animal Crossing accounts on Twitter, run by Tom Nook, show off an in-depth look at the initial character creator you’ll encounter at the start of your deserted island adventure in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
We briefly saw a half-second view of this during the Animal Crossing Direct, but these videos show off far more by scrolling through almost all of the menu options.
We can see that the initial selections for the beginning of the game include 8 different hair styles, 26 eye styles, 3 nose styles, 4 mouth styles, 3 blush options, and 8 skin tones to choose from. But as we learned in the Animal Crossing Direct and covered in our analysis article, more options will be unlocked later.
A second set of videos posted by Tom Nook’s Twitter accounts give us a look at how we can change our character’s appearance in every way after the initial start. You’ll be able to do this by interacting with any mirror or vanity furniture item inside your home (and outdoors presumably), and then a character editor screen will pop up.
This is a huge change for the Animal Crossing series which previously only allowed for hair style changes after the game’s opening, but it’s sure to be a welcome addition for most fans. Regret those crazy eyes after a few weeks? You can fix it!
In the second set of videos, we can see a huge amount of new hair styles have been added to the editor since the initial start, presumably after purchasing some of the unlock items with Nook Miles as seen in the Animal Crossing Direct below.
By our count, there are a total of 22 unique hair styles shown in the character editor videos but it’s possible we are missing a couple — let us know if you count more than that and show us your math! Based on the two unlock items seen in the Nook Miles menu above, there should be at least a total of 24 in the game.
So it’s pretty cool that Nintendo is living up to their word from E3 2019 that we would be able to change our appearance at any time in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, including with gender neutral styles. But one important question remains — what is the fate of Harriet aka Shampoodle?
An obvious answer might be that Harriet can help us unlock additional styles, yet we’ve already seen many can be purchased simply through Nook Miles. Although we haven’t yet seen any facial hair options in these videos, so maybe Harriet can help us with that?
If you’ve got any great ideas on where Harriet might fit into Animal Crossing: New Horizons after today’s character editor reveals, let us know in the comments below! Do you want to see Shampoodle make a return somehow?
Animal Crossing: New Horizons launches worldwide on March 20th! Pre-order the game here, the official guide here, and check our release date countdown here. Stay tuned to Animal Crossing World for more news as we approach the release!
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons News Videos