What To Do With Extra Easter Eggs — Sell Price For Bunny Day Items In Animal Crossing: New Horizons

3 years ago 20 Comments

Now that the final day of Bunny Day is upon us in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there’s a good chance you’re got far more Easter Eggs than what you actually need to complete the event!

In this article, we’ll help you out with your excess Easter Eggs by telling you the sell prices for eggs, the sell prices for crafted Bunny Day items, and some other advice on what to do with them.

Water Egg, Sky Egg, Stone Egg, And All Other Egg Sell Prices

Each type of Easter Egg crafting material item you can find in Animal Crossing: New Horizons sells for the same price to Timmy & Tommy. Here’s how many Bells you can expect to earn off a sale of eggs:

  • 1 Egg: 200 Bells
  • 10 Eggs: 2,000 Bells
  • 30 Eggs: 6,000 Bells
  • 3 Stacks of 30 Eggs: 18,000 Bells

That’s a pretty poor rate for selling Easter Eggs, even taking into account how plentiful they are to find, so what about crafting into Bunny Day items and selling those items?

Crafted Bunny Day Item Sell Prices

The Bunny Day Flooring item requires 2 each of all 6 types of Easter Egg items to craft. Those eggs sell for a combined total of 2,400 Bells to Nook’s Cranny, but if you craft the Bunny Day Flooring and sell the finished product, it sells for 4,800 Bells.

In another example, the Bunny Day Wall Clock requires 3 Sky Eggs to craft (something you’re sure to have plenty of!) which are worth 600 Bells in total, and the completed crafted item sells for 1,200 Bells.

The exact same is the case for the Bunny Day Stool, another crafted item that uses 3 Water Eggs, which is an egg you’re likely drowning in.

Here’s a complete table of all the Bunny Day items you can craft and their Sell Prices:

ItemSell Price
Bunny Day Arch4800
Bunny Day Bag2400
Bunny Day Bed2400
Bunny Day Crown2400
Bunny Day Fence (10)2400
Bunny Day Festive Balloons1200
Bunny Day Flooring4800
Bunny Day Glowy Garland2400
Bunny Day Lamp1600
Bunny Day Merry Balloons1200
Bunny Day Rug2400
Bunny Day Stool1200
Bunny Day Table1600
Bunny Day Vanity1600
Bunny Day Wall Clock1200
Bunny Day Wallpaper4800
Bunny Day Wand11100
Bunny Day Wardrobe1600
Bunny Day Wreath2400
Earth-Egg Outfit1200
Earth-Egg Shell800
Earth-Egg Shoes800
Egg Party Dress7200
Egg Party Hat4800
Leaf-Egg Outfit1200
Leaf-Egg Shell800
Leaf-Egg Shoes800
Sky-Egg Outfit1200
Sky-Egg Shell800
Sky-Egg Shoes800
Stone-Egg Outfit1200
Stone-Egg Shell800
Stone-Egg Shoes800
Water-Egg Outfit1200
Water-Egg Shell800
Water-Egg Shoes800
Wobbling Zipper Toy9600
Wood-Egg Outfit1200
Wood-Egg Shell800
Wood-Egg Shoes800

Should You Sell Easter Eggs Or Craft Items To Sell?

In all three cases mentioned above, it’s clear that the crafted Bunny Day item sells for exactly twice the sell value of all its required crafting materials!

From our research, this appears to be true for all Bunny Day event items, and it’s actually the case for the vast majority of crafted items in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It doesn’t seem to matter which Bunny Day item you choose to craft, the profit is the same.

So if you’re overwhelmed with an endless amount of Easter Eggs and planned on selling them directly, we definitely suggest crafting any Bunny Day items with the materials instead and selling the items to get twice the profit. Selling the materials themselves is essentially throwing away Bells!

Eat Easter Eggs For Easy Fruit Energy

If you’re not interested in crafting or selling your Easter Eggs, we have another option worth considering. Easter Egg materials can actually be used as an easy method to get Fruit Energy for landscaping your island!

Using the energy from eating Easter Eggs, you can dig up entire trees and break rocks. Even better, the Easter Eggs can stack into groups of up to 30 eggs per slot in your inventory. That’s a solid improvement over the limit of 10 when stacking up fruit.

Craft Some Duplicates for Later

Finally, you can obviously choose to craft some duplicates of your favourite items to keep later, even if you don’t really feel like it at the moment while flooded in endless eggs that seem worthless.

They might always come in handy later when Bunny Day has passed and some Animal Crossing players who missed out on the event might want a few items.  If you have spare storage space in your house, there’s no reason not to keep some items just to see what happens.

You can always just sell off the crafted items later to Timmy & Tommy, at an increased price of double the materials as discussed earlier, so you can’t really lose here!

Playing during the actual Bunny Day happening on April 9th? Check out our What’s New To Do On Actual Bunny Day (April 9th, 2023) In Animal Crossing: New Horizons mini-guide here! And if by any chance you need help finding more Easter Eggs, check out our full Bunny Day Event Guide here.

Stay tuned to Animal Crossing World for everything on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, including our extensive Guides section here. Our most popular pages include Bunny Day EventCherry Blossom Petal RecipesSanrio Villagers & ItemsSanrio Amiibo CardsNook PointsSuper Mario ItemsRedd Art, and Sea Creatures.

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