Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Guides

List of Villagers and Design Requests

Find the design requests of more than 300 villagers in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer with our complete list!

Special characters are not included in the list as their requests are always “I’ll leave it up to you!”. Villagers marked with an asterisk are characters obtained through DLC. Thanks to Connor and our lovely commenters below for contributing the vast majority of this data.

Villager NameSpeciesRequest
Agent SSquirrelA superhero training area.
AgnesPigAn art museum.
AlGorillaA kid-friendly exercise room.
AlfonsoAlligatorA starry-sky cake dream.
AliceKoalaA mix of antique pieces.
AlliAlligatorA mushroom manor.
AmeliaEagleAn elegant, lofty space.
AnabelleAnteaterA cosmopolitan yard.
AnchovyBirdA brand-new hat shop.
AngusBullA salty seaside shack.
AnicottiMouseA pizza-party space.
AnkhaCatAn ancient tomb.
AnnalisaAnteaterA zen restaurant.
AnnaliseHorseA stained-glass tearoom.
AntonioAnteaterA place decorated simply.
ApolloEagleA celebration of tallness.
AppleHamsterAn apple-inspired room.
AstridKangarooA playful rock studio.
AuroraPenguinA flower shop.
AvaChickenA professional kitchen.
AveryEagleA room full of fossils.
AxelElephantA dentist's office.
BaabaraSheepA ballet studio.
BamDeerA field-trip atmosphere.
BangleTigerAn animal-print showcase.
BaroldCubA room for stew.
BeardoBearA cultivated garden.
BeauDeerA self-indulgent picnic spot.
BeckyChickenA classical conservatory.
BellaMouseA place to practice singing.
BenedictChickenA journey through space.
BenjaminDogA life of self-sufficiency.
BerthaHippoA ton of baskets.
BettinaMouseA famous patisserie.
BiancaTigerA snowman's life.
BiffHippoA sci-fi space.
Big TopElephantA superhero cafeteria.
BillDuckA summer house.
BiskitDogAn eggstravaganza.
BlaireSquirrelA classy hotel.
BlancheOstrichA traditional tearoom.
BluebearCubA supersweet bakery.
BobCatA floral atmosphere.
BonbonRabbitthe "it" house.
BonesDogA second childhood.
BoomerPenguinA captain's cockpit.
BooneGorillaA desert paradise.
BroccoloMouseA bug house.
BreeMouseA tidied-up room.
BroffinaChickenA bus station.
BruceDeerA mah-jongg parlor.
BubblesHippoAn indoor beach.
BuckHorseA locker room.
BudLionA beach.
BunnieRabbitA perpetual birthday party.
ButchDogA cool dog park.
CallySquirrelA nice place to do laundry.
CamofrogFrogA nature sanctuary.
CanberraKoalaAn international restaurant.
CarmenRabbitA chocolate overload.
CarolineSquirrelA rustic ranch house.
CarrieKangarooA garden for kids to play in.
CeliaEagleA royal chamber.
CesarGorillaA construction site.
ChadderMouseA cheesy place to nibble.
CharliseBearA flower showcase.
CheriCubA fruity room for juicing.
CherryDogA catwalk.
ChesterCubA bamboo playroom.
ChevreGoatA high-security bank vault.
ChiefWolfA cool garage.
ChopsPigA king's chamber.
ChowBearA humble abode.
ChrissyRabbitA delightfully dotted room.
Claude*RabbitA pro-Nintendo game shop.
ClaudiaTigerA cool coffee shop.
ClayHamsterA spooky haunted house.
ClydeHorseA fresh and fruity room.
CoachBullA gym for athletic contests.
CobbPigA secret research lab.
CocoRabbitAn ancient-artifacts exhibit.
ColeRabbitA tropical resort.
ColtonHorseA noble living space.
CookieDogA room fit for a princess.
CousteauFrogA restaurant for exotic food.
CranstonOstrichA place to grow rice.
CroqueFrogA noodle shop.
CubePenguinAn eco-friendly factory.
CurlosSheepA Toy Day celebration.
CurlyPigA game-development studio.
CurtBearA glory-days trophy room.
CyranoAnteaterAn odd-numbers gallery.
DaisyDogA magnet for Santa.
DeenaDuckA home gym.
DeirdreDeerAn autumnal atmosphere.
DelAlligatorA shrine to seafaring.
DeliMonkeyA room scented by curry.
DerwinDuckA private study space.
DianaDeerA tranquil sanctuary.
DivaFrogA place with good vibes.
DizzyElephantA super-fun play space!
DocRabbitA fun place for books.
DoraMouseAn herb garden.
DottyRabbitA two-tone room.
DragoAlligatorA mochi delight.
DrakeDuckA break room with a view.
DriftFrogA hospital lobby.
EdHorseA spontaneous dinner party.
EgbertChickenAn even-numbered room.
EliseMonkeyAn eyewear showroom.
ElmerHorseA sock shop for sock lovers.
EloiseElephantA not to all things green.
ElvisLionA royal palace.
ErikDeerA cozy mountain cottage.
EugeneKoalaA space for self-reflection.
EuniceSheepA toast-warm winter room.
FangWolfA chair showroom.
FaunaDeerA home concert hall.
FelicityCatA television-show set.
Felyne*CatA place for Felyne.
FilbertSquirrelA bounty of balloons.
Filly*HorseA 24-hour shop.
FlipMonkeyAn ancient bathhouse.
FloPenguinA place to practice guitar.
FloraOstrichA place that's all pink.
FlurryHamsterA winter wonderland.
FrancineRabbitA Chrissy shrine.
FrankEagleA miniatures museum.
FrecklesDuckA fishy room under the sea.
FreyaWolfA pro chef's kitchen.
FrigaPenguinA classic, royal room.
FritaSheepA fast-food restaurant.
FrobertFrogA shrine to all things Gracie.
FuchsiaDeerA hangout for li'l rebels.
GabiRabbitA room with a piano.
GalaPigThe town bank.
GastonRabbitA backwater clinic.
GayleAlligatorA home with heart.
GenjiRabbitA haunted house.
GigiFrogA space for a classy gal.
GladysOstrichA peaceful zen garden.
GloriaDuckAn alpine homage.
GooseChickenA room for waking up early.
GoldieDogA forest of books.
GrahamHamsterA start-up company.
GretaMouseA hot-springs spa.
GrizzlyBearAn opulent oil tycoon's hall.
GrouchoBearA farming homestead.
GruffGoatA classic barbershop.
GwenPenguinA day spa.
HamletHamsterA soccer arena.
HamphreyHamsterA smoked-foods showcase.
HansGorillaAn indoor ski run.
HarryHippoA slop-tastic pad.
HazelSquirrelA comic artist's workshop.
HenryFrogA contemplative train trip.
HippeuxHippoAn artist's studio.
HopperPenguinA dharma dream.
HughPigEat, drink, sleep. Repeat.
IgglyPenguinA winter-sports paradise.
JacquesBirdA hip music room.
JambetteFrogA dressing room.
JayBirdA bowling alley.
JeremiahFrogA blue room, top to bottom.
JittersBirdA soccer arena.
JoeyDuckA spa featuring cool milk.
JulianHorseA mythical home.
KabukiCatA shrine for zen items,
KattCatA gathering of Katts.
KeatonEagleA seaside breakfast nook.
KenChickenA ninja hideout.
KevinPigA spaceship.
Kid CatCatA superhero base.
KiddGoatA photography studio.
KikiCatA replica aquarium.
KittKangarooAn electronic showroom.
KittyCatA sidewalk bistro.
KlausBearAn ancient bathhouse.
KnoxChickenA battle enthusiast's abode.
KodyCubA blue training space.
KyleWolfA piped room.
LeonardoTigerA sports arena.
LilyFrogA zen space with moist air.
LimbergMouseA self-sustaining sanctuary.
LionelLionA guest bathroom or two.
LoboWolfA nostalgic throwback.
LollyCatA lecture hall.
LopezDeerA stylish space.
Louie*GorillaA 30th-anniversary party!
LuchaBirdA pro-wrestling arena.
LuckyDogA lucky room for a lucky life.
LucyPigA creepy-looking dollhouse.
LymanKoalaA veggie palace.
MacDogA summer campsite.
MaelleDuckA high-end fashion boutique.
MallaryDuckA harvest-centric home.
MapleCubA plush bear den.
MarcelDogA zen-like washroom.
MarcieKangarooA nursery school.
MargieElephantA place full of clothes.
MarinaOctopusAn underwater fantasy land.
MarshalSquirrelA world-famous cafe.
MathildaKangarooA sustainable space.
MelbaKoalaA scene from a fairy tale.
MerengueRhinoA candy house.
MerryCatAn artsy room for sketching.
MidgeBirdMidge's hair salon.
MintSquirrelAn ice-cream shop.
MiraRabbitA futuristic space.
MirandaDuckA stay-healthy home.
MitziCatA café with round, zen items.
MoeCatA magician's hideaway.
MollyDuckA publishing house.
MoniqueCatA room with stained glass.
MontyMonkeyA monkey mansion.
MooseMouseA spot to play hoops.
MottLionA physicist's office.
MuffySheepAn ornately decorated room.
NanGoatA zodiac-figurine stand.
NanaMonkeyA serene park to lunch in.
NaomiCowAn art gallery.
NateBearA cardboard life.
Nibbles SquirrelA nice, quiet study space.
O'HareRabbitAn indoor tropical paradise.
OctavianOctopusA squid-showdown citadel.
OlafAnteaterA million-Bell view.
OliviaCatA piano conservatory.
OpalElephantA serene spa.
OzzieKoalaA trip to the school nurse.
PancettiPigA sleep sanctuary.
PangoAnteaterA posh, private day spa.
PapiHorseA wood-inspired abode.
PashminaGoatA gorgeous, rococo room.
PateDuckA stylish Internet café.
PattyCowAn everyday cookout.
PaulaBearA karaoke parlor.
PeachesHorseAn oasis of round furniture.
PeanutSquirrelThe land of the free.
PecanSquirrelA chic and relaxed room.
PeckBirdA birdcage.
PeeweeGorillaA fancy gym.
PeggyPigA mermaid's life.
PekoeCubAn exotic resort.
PenelopeMouseA nonstop wedding party.
PhilOstrichA personal micro cosmos.
PhoebeOstrichA fiery hangout.
PierceEagleA classy training room.
PietroSheepA dreamland for Pietro.
PinkyBearA feng-shui flow.
PippyRabbitA striped room.
PompomDuckA splashy, modern garden.
PonchoCubA wild west space.
PoppySquirrelA pet-friendly paradise.
PortiaDogA tribute to Festivale.
PrinceFrogA barbershop for beards.
PuckPenguinA chilly room for icy sports.
PuddlesFrogAn adorable, pink room.
PudgeCubA nouveau-riche retreat.
PunchyCatA room for entertaining cats.
PurrlCatA cozy kotatsu cottage.
QueenieOstrichA world of black and white.
QuillsonDuckA recording studio.
RasherPigHeist central.
RenéeRhinoA vacant lot.
RhondaRhinoA relaxing island getaway.
RibbotFrogA robohouse.
RickySquirrelA chiropractic office.
RizzoMouseA hideout.
RoaldPenguinA room fit for a racer.
RobinBirdA country teahouse.
RoccoHippoA danger-filled zone.
RocketGorillaA superhero hideout.
RodMouseA pirate hangout.
RodeoBullA milk factory.
RodneyHamsterA production studio.
RolfTigerA camping collection.
RooneyKangarooA boxing gym.
RoryLionAn ocean-themed space.
RoscoeHorseA black and white bastion.
RosieCatAn office/studio for a star.
RowanTigerA treasure shop.
RubyRabbitA room for moon gazing.
RudyCatA chess room.
SallySquirrelA green space with flowers.
SamsonMouseA room with treasure.
SavannahHorseA home with natural beauty.
ScootDuckA house with a pool.
ShariMonkeyA bed of nonwilting flowers.
SheldonSquirrelAn all-you-can-game room.
ShepDogA life on the streets.
SimonMonkeyA banana bungalow.
SkyeWolfAn art studio.
SlyAlligatorA jungle.
SnakeRabbitA ninja mansion.
SoleilHamsterA summery stronghold.
SparroBirdA place to retire.
SporkPigA school cafeteria.
SprinklePenguinA frozen world to play in.
StaticSquirrelA game haven.
SterlingEagleAn outer-space space.
StinkyCatA pro-wrestling ring.
StitchesCubA colorful toy box.
SydneyKoalaAn office with a phone.
SylviaKangarooA place with a pool.
T-BoneBullA fire-filled hot spot.
TabbyCatAn old, abandoned hospital.
TammiMonkeyA place to stay hydrated.
TammyCubA Halloween-themed place.
TangyCatA deliciously fruity room.
TankRhinoA place to play board games.
TeddyBearAn awards podium.
TexPenguinA rehearsal room for a band.
TiaElephantA space fit for a tea party.
TiffanyRabbitA gorgeous celebrity home.
TimbraSheepA stargazer's dream.
TipperCowA dairy farm.
TomCatA fighter's gym.
TrufflesPigA constant quiz show.
TuckerElephantA fresh start.
TutuBearA cool place to chill out.
TwiggyBirdSurrounded by souvenirs.
VelmaGoatA fully outfitted classroom.
VestaSheepA place with a fireplace.
VicBullA pirate's refuge.
VictoriaHorseA lucky yellow room.
VioletGorillaA homey little restaurant.
VladimirCubA way below ground.
WalkerDogA dream room...for a bike.
WaltKangarooA shrine to samurai.
Wart JrFrogA bonsai shrine.
WendySheepA place to spin records.
WhitneyWolfA home bathed in white.
WillowSheepAn alpine-themed room.
WinnieHorseA stable for horses.
WolfgangWolfA monument to rock.
YukaKoalaA jungle.
ZellDeerA themed hotel.
ZuckerOctopusAn indoor street fair.

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