Latest Animal Crossing News

Tweet #27: Wish Upon a Shooting Star

12 years ago 4 Comments

Wish upon a shooting star! You never know what could happen…

Tweet Translation:

I just saw a shooting star! And of course I made a wish~! ~I wish everyone has a good dream tonight~

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog. Translations by Sumwheat.

Tweet #26: Nintendo Village

12 years ago 4 Comments

On the Japanese launch day, there will be a Nintendo Village opening which you can visit through the Dream World. The village will be Nintendo themed with an opportunity to get Nintendo character patterns as well as filled with Nintendo villagers as seen in the picture.

You’ll notice we have begun editing the translations directly into the tweet screenshot for ease of use.

Tweet Translation:

We will be opening “Nintendo Village” on November 8th. In “Nintendo Village” you can check out a village that has a Nintendo like design to it and snag some patterns related to Nintendo characters, so come pay us a visit!

Speech Bubble Translation:

Nintendo: Welcome to Nintendo Village!

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog. Translations by Sumwheat.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf US Trailer

12 years ago 6 Comments

Welcome to Animal Crossing: New Leaf. That’s the official subtitle for Animal Crossing 3DS in North America. It’s coming in Early 2013 and you can check out the new official English trailer for it below:

Tweet #25: Chatting Online and the Locker

12 years ago 2 Comments

At first glance this image seems to be pretty basic. Just some friends chatting about turnips right? Well, there’s more. See that guy looking inside the blue locker? One of the speech bubbles translates to “Time to pull out my turnips~”.

Now, I’m just taking a guess here but to me that implies you may be able to access some form of storage even when you’re visiting another town. Perhaps the storage in your home closets can be accessed via the Locker at the Train Station in other people’s towns?

There’s a hole in this theory though. In the past games, turnips couldn’t be stored in the cloest storage. It’s possible that it has been changed in this game but just something to keep in mind.

Speculate away in the comments!

Tweet Translation by Sumwheat:

My best friends are coming one after another to sell their turnips! If they go sight-seeing while there are here, the village will liven up and everyone will be happy.

Speech Bubble Translations by Sumwheat:

Daru: Welcome!

Isao: Time to pull out my turnips~

Sakura: I should of bought more turnips!

Mikan: Made a profit~!

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog.

Tweets #24: Best Friends

12 years ago 1 Comment

The Best Friends feature enables in-game messaging between players even when you are in different towns. You are also notified when your best friend comes online. In this case, the player is informing their best friend of the unusually high turnip prices in town today by using the messaging system.

Tweet Translation by Sumwheat:

Times like this you really want to let you best friend’s know, right? If you are best friends, then you can chat online together without leaving your village, easily use chat for things from casual conversations to meet ups, so it’s really convenient.

Speech Bubble Translation by Sumwheat:

Daru: Woah!! Turnips are 409 bells!!!

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog.

Tweet #23: Turnip Prices Deux

12 years ago 1 Comment

Not much to see here really. It’s just higher turnip prices. Very high in fact. 409 Bells!!!

Google Translation:

Everyone! Tsu Good morning! Now, the share price is ~ 409 Is that what Bell! !Huh? Kkya not sell anymore? !

Editor’s Note: The official Animal Crossing 3DS Twitter account (@doubutsuno_mori) is tweeting new information and screenshots daily! We’ll be posting any new screenshots that come from these onto the Blog.