The newest Animal Crossing games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons don’t celebrate anything on July 4th, but there was an Independence Day event back on the GameCube version of Animal Crossing! Let’s take a look back today at what this long forgotten event had to offer.
In a great milestone for the Animal Crossing series, the original Animal Crossing on GameCube has been inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame this week!
Today marks twenty years since the very first game in the Animal Crossing series released, and you can celebrate by exploring the game’s original Japanese website still alive and functioning all these years later!
It’s officially been 18 years since the first Animal Crossing for GameCube released in English on September 16th, 2002! While Animal Crossing’s history goes back to the Nintendo 64 a year or so earlier, today marks the birth of the series for fans overseas.
Happy Father’s Day everyone! If you haven’t gotten your limited time Father’s Day Mug item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons yet, today is as good of a day as any to do so before it’s too late.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! For today’s holiday, I thought it might be interesting to go back in time to the Harvest Festival event in the original Animal Crossing for GameCube and have some fun sharing what that edition of the event was like.