Latest Animal Crossing News

Is Animal Crossing 3DS delayed to 2013? No listing of it in the 2012 releases for 3DS!

12 years ago 70 Comments

Um. Excuse me for a moment but, WHAT THE HELL NINTENDO? The 3DS Presentation just ended and they didn’t mention Animal Crossing 3DS at all. Not even a screenshot. It may be delayed until 2013. More details in a second.

Note that this doesn’t confirm a 2013 release but don’t you think it’s extremely odd they didn’t show it at E3 2012 at all? The video does say “and more” but really would they show Transformers over a first party game like Animal Crossing? I doubt it.

Nintendo’s 3DS Software Showcase starts in just 1 hour from this post!

12 years ago 2 Comments

Disappointed at the lack of Animal Crossing 3DS news at yesterday’s E3 Presentation? You’re not alone. Luckily for you Nintendo is hosting a second hour-long event exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS and it’s upcoming games at 6PM PDT/9PM PDT. Will we be keeping you covered on the blog here live with all the news as it happens? You bet. You can also watch it live on Nintendo’s E3 website.

What can we expect? I’m guessing additional information on the 3DS games already shown yesterday, new trailer for Animal Crossing 3DS, localization announcements of Layton and Fire Emblem plus a surprise new game announcement. Of course, it could be much worse but let’s be hopeful!

More gameplay videos of Animal Crossing: Sweet Day (Nintendo Land Mini-game)

12 years ago 2 Comments

Take look at some more gameplay videos of Animal Crossing: Sweet Day, which for those not paying attention is an Animal Crossing themed minigame in Nintendo Land for the Wii U. Again, I realize this isn’t Animal Crossing 3DS news but it’s still pretty interesting. Hopefully we will get Animal Crossing 3DS news tomorrow at the 3DS Software Showcase. Check out the videos after the break.

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No Animal Crossing 3DS news at the E3 Presentation but here’s something else

12 years ago 4 Comments

Well, this is rather disappointing. There wasn’t any Animal Crossing 3DS news today at Nintendo’s E3 Presentation. However, they did show off an Animal Crossing minigame for the Wii U as part of “Nintendo Land”.

Animal Crossing: Sweet Day is an Animal Crossing themed minigame included in the new Nintendo Land game for the Wii U. Stay tuned for more details soon.

However, there is still hope for Animal Crossing 3DS as Nintendo is still holding a 3DS presentation tomorrow at 6PM PDT. More details on that later.

Nintendo’s E3 2012 Conference is in less than 30 minutes!

12 years ago Leave a comment!

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is nearly upon us. Nintendo’s E3 2012 Conference is about to begin and here at AC3DS Blog we’ll be keeping you covered with any Animal Crossing 3DS news to come out of the show. Be sure to refresh often!

There’s also another Nintendo event on Wednesday at 6-7PM PDT which is entirely focused on the Nintendo 3DS. It’s possible we won’t get much today for the 3DS and have to wait until tomorrow for 3DS stuff but nobody really knows besides Nintendo. We shall see!

You can watch Nintendo’s prenstation live on their official E3 website by going to

E3 2012 is just two days away and we’re keeping you covered!

12 years ago 5 Comments

It’s that time of the year! That’s right, we’re now just 2 days away from E3 2012 where Nintendo will be talking about all the upcoming 3DS games you’re looking forward to. Expect to see TONS of new screenshots, videos and information about Animal Crossing 3DS. Perhaps Nintendo will even share a new English name for the game.

Anyway, it all kicks off with Nintendo’s E3 Presentation at 9:30AM PDT on Tuesday, June 5th. Furthermore, there will also be a Software Showcase presentation hosted at 6:00PM PDT on Wednesday, June 6th. We may see Animal Crossing 3Ds at one event, or both.

Be sure to check Animal Crossing 3DS Blog throughout the week for all the latest news and media for Animal Crossing 3DS! You can also like/follow us on our new Facebook page, Twitter (@AC3DSBlog) and Google+. Oh and there’s also an RSS feed if you’re into that.

PS: There may be a new blog design coming in the very near future, so if you come here on the 5th and things look a little different… don’t worry. : )

Amazon France removes September 28th release date

12 years ago 1 Comment

A month back we reported on Amazon France’s listing of September 28th as a release date for Animal Crossing 3DS. At the time I said that there might be a grain of truth to the date based on previous Amazon release date predictions. However since then the listing has been removed and the game is back to “Coming Soon”. Not a big update but I figured you guys might want to know. In other news we’re now just three weeks away from E3 2012. Get your hype on!

(thanks to Bidoof for the tip!)