7 New Animal Crossing: New Horizons Items To Get For New Year’s In January 2021 (Limited Time)

4 years ago 6 Comments

As we take our first steps into the new year, you’ll want to make sure you grab seven brand new limited-time items now available in Animal Crossing: New Horizons for 2021!

Following up on the first four items available prior to New Year’s Eve after Toy Day, another seven more seasonal items can be purchased as of January 1st, 2021 inside of Nook Shopping at either the Nook Stop Terminal or by using your NookPhone.

These new items include the appropriately priced 2021 Celebratory Arch, the traditional Zodiac Ox Figurine, and a variety of other New Year’s items from various cultures around the world. Check out the entire collection in the table below, or our full guide here:


Sparkling Cider

December 22nd to 31st
(1000 Bells)

Twelve-Grape Dish

December 22nd to 31st
(1200 Bells)


December 22nd to 31st
(1200 Bells)

Olivier Salad

December 22nd to 31st
(1000 Bells)

New Year's Noodles

December 22nd to 31st
(1300 Bells)

2021 Celebratory Arch

December 22, 2020 to January 5, 2021
(2021 Bells)

2022 Celebratory Arch

New in 2.0
December 22, 2021 to January 5, 2022
(2022 Bells)

Yut Nori

December 22 to January 5
(1300 Bells)


December 22 to January 5
(2580 Bells)

Otoshidama Envelope

New in 2.0
December 22 to January 5
(500 Bells)


December 22 to January 5
(1800 Bells)

New Year's Shimekazari

December 22 to January 5
(2000 Bells)


New in 2.0
December 22 to January 5
(5000 Bells)

Zodiac Ox Figurine

December 22, 2020 to January 5, 2021
(1600 Bells)

Zodiac Tiger Figurine

New in 2.0
December 22, 2021 to January 5, 2022
(1600 Bells)

Zodiac Rabbit Figurine

New in 2.0
December 22, 2022 to January 5, 2023
(1600 Bells)

It’s worth noting that you’ll need to wait at least 2 days to get all of your New Year’s 2021 items from Nook Shopping since a daily order limit of 5 orders per day is in place, plus the waiting time to receive your orders in the mail on the next morning.

So don’t forget to not only order your first 5 items today, but also order the last 2 remaining items the next day after, so you don’t miss out on any limited-time New Year’s items before they disappear from Nook Shopping after January 15th.

Oh and if you missed the first 4 items from prior to January 1st, don’t worry — it’s possible to time travel backwards to them if it’s important to you!

By the way, this is by far the largest addition to Nook Shopping’s Seasonal tab so far and we hope Nintendo continues to utilize this mechanism of delivering us new content! However, we’ve heard many complaints about the timing that Nintendo has chosen for these releases, and can’t help but agree.

Wouldn’t it have been nicer to purchase the 2021 Celebratory Arch in the run-up to New Year’s Eve, for one example, rather than waiting until the New Year’s fun is already over? Receiving the Gift Pile on Toy Day just one day before Christmas Day felt similarly lame as well.

The best use for these items is decorating your island while we’re still in the exciting lead-up time to the holidays, not after all of the partying and fun is over, so we hope some changes are made in the future. Honestly, this applies to the Festive Ornaments recipes too, which many of us are still collecting well after Christmas.

New Camellia Bushes Bloom

Also, a new type of bush is beginning to bloom this week for Northern Hemisphere players with the beautiful Camellia Bushes! This is the first time we’re seeing this Camellia shrub make an appearance with fully blooming flowers and it’s truly a sight to see. Get your shovels ready!

What’s Next For Animal Crossing In 2021

Back in November, Nintendo already announced that the next Animal Crossing: New Horizons update would arrive in Late January, alongside a teaser for a new character icon. That mystery character is none other than Pave, the holiday mascot for a previous in-game event called Festivale!

So it’s safe to say that Festivale with Pave is on the way soon as the next major Animal Crossing: New Horizons content update sometime in Late January, but we’ll have to wait longer for more details. If you’d like to learn more about Festivale, check out our previous event guide for the holiday in Animal Crossing: New Leaf on Nintendo 3DS.

One more thing though — a little later in the spring, we’re expecting another update to arrive by March introducing the Super Mario series of themed furniture items! This was promised as a release in March 2021 by Nintendo all the way back in September last year during the Super Mario 35th Anniversary Direct.

There are absolutely no more details than the existence of the update itself, but we expect there will be a similarity to some of the Mario and Nintendo themed items seen in past Animal Crossing games. Check out the screenshot above for an example. (via Nookipedia)

Stay tuned to Animal Crossing World for everything on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, including our extensive Guides section here. Our most popular guides include New Year’s Eve EventWinter Snowflake RecipesHow To Build Perfect SnowboyChristmas Ornament RecipesChristmas Toy SetRedd Art, and Sea Creatures.

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