11 Brand New Zodiac Animal Figurines Join Animal Crossing: New Horizons In Version 2.0.4

3 years ago 7 Comments

More new hidden content in Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been discovered in the recent minor Version 2.0.4 Update, including some brand new items to collect going forward!

Sneakily introduced in a mostly uneventful minor bug fix update, Nintendo’s developers have implemented 11 brand new items in Animal Crossing: New Horizons covering Zodiac Figurine items for all future in-game New Year’s events.

These new items include the Zodiac Rabbit Figurine, Zodiac Dragon Figurine, Zodiac Sheep Figurine, and more that join the game’s pre-existing Zodiac Ox Figurine and Zodiac Tiger Figurine items for 2021 and 2022.

This comes in addition to the discovery of Gyroid Fragments now washing up on island beaches that we covered yesterday in another article, as well as naked villagers getting patched out. We hadn’t yet had the chance at the time to fully verify all of the details surrounding these new Zodiac animal items.

Each Zodiac Figurine item can be purchased in the Special Goods section of Nook Shopping from December 22nd to January 5th every year, with the appropriate item available based on the next year’s zodiac animal. They all cost 1,600 Bells each.

Complete Zodiac Animal Figurine Items List

In this article, we’ll cover all of the new Zodiac Animal items added to Animal Crossing: New Horizon with Version 2.0.4 below, including the next two years that each animal represents!

When reading the year dates below, remember that the Zodiac Animals represent the New Year and are available in Animal Crossing beginning on December 22nd in the year prior. For example, the Tiger Zodiac Figurine labelled as 2022 will be available at the end of 2021 and start of 2022.

Zodiac Rat Figurine

2020, 2032

Zodiac Ox Figurine

2021, 2033

Zodiac Tiger Figurine

2022, 2034

Zodiac Rabbit Figurine

2023, 2035

Zodiac Dragon Figurine

2024, 2036

Zodiac Snake Figurine

2025, 2037

Zodiac Horse Figurine

2026, 2038

Zodiac Sheep Figurine

2027, 2039

Zodiac Monkey Figurine

2028, 2040

Zodiac Rooster Figurine

2029, 2041

Zodiac Dog Figurine

2030, 2042

Zodiac Boar Figurine

2031, 2043

Zodiac Pig Figurine

2031, 2043

Get Zodiac Items From Katrina

In addition to the traditional method of purchasing Zodiac Figurines from Nook Shopping when available near the start of the year, there’s one more way to get your hands on the Zodiac Figurine collection: Katrina!

When visiting Katrina’s Fortune booth at Harvey’s Island, and you currently have a bad fortune, you can purchase a Purification effect for 10,000 Bells from her. After receiving the Purification spell, you can get one of a few different random items in the mail from Katrina the next day.

But notably, in the Version 2.0.4 Update, all of the new Zodiac Figurine items appear to been added to Katrina’s possible mail rewards! Even further, she does not seem to respect the yearly rules of which items are typically available in a single year.

This means players can actually receive Zodiac Figurines ahead of the Nook Shopping schedule without needing to time travel! It’s rather unexpected and could be either a welcome blessing or disappointment depending on your point of view.

The Last Piece Of New Content?

An unfortunate side effect of this surprise addition of every Zodiac Figurine is that it may mark the final piece of new content for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Previously, we had believed that further minor event or holiday seasonal items might still arrive for some time, despite Nintendo announcing an end to major new updates.

That belief was partly supported by the fact that these 11 remaining Zodiac Animal items had been left out of the big Version 2.0 Update and would likely need to be added through a future update like this one. A likely theory was that Nintendo still intended to support the game with minor holiday Nook Shopping items for sometime, and the Zodiac items would arrive periodically until then.

Unfortunately, that theory doesn’t really hold up anymore as every ‘essential’ holiday item has been added to Animal Crossing: New Horizons now, and the existing ones were enabled for all in-game years after Version 2.0 released.

Of course, this is all simply speculation in the end and Nintendo has certainly surprised us at many times over Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ lifetime, so who knows for sure what the future may hold! We’d just caution that these items being implemented certainly aren’t a point in favor of any more new content.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Winter Content Guides

Stay tuned to Animal Crossing World for everything on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, including our extensive Guides section here. Our most popular pages include Winter Snowflake DIYChristmas Ornament DIYBuild Perfect SnowboysVersion 2.0 Summary9000+ Items Datamine16 New VillagersGyroidsKapp’n IslandsCooking RecipesSeries 5 Amiibo CardsRedd Art, and Sea Creatures.

Special thanks to the ACNH Data Spreadsheet Project for item images used in this article.

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