Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) Guides

How To Get & Use Rusted Parts (Gulliver & Robot Hero)

Rusted Parts are a special crafting material you can find in Animal Crossing: New Horizons to craft one very unique item! Learn how to get Rusted Parts in the most efficient ways and what you can craft with them in this guide.

The first time you will ever come across the Rusted Part item is probably when checking out the Recycling Bin inside of Resident Services, but what is this item and where did it come from? And more importantly, what can it be used for?

How to Get Rusted Parts From Gulliver

There are two different ways to find and get Rusted Part materials in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and they both involve meeting special character Gulliver on your island. You can find him randomly appearing washed up ashore on your island’s beaches.

When you spot Gulliver lying on your beach, talk to him repeatedly to wake him up and complete his quest to find five Communicator Parts in the sand nearby. For more information, check out our complete Gulliver guide here.

Then after you’ve assisted Gulliver with his NookPhone troubles by digging up Communicator Parts on the beach, look out for a Rusted Part item in your island’s Recycling Bin inside of Resident Services the next morning.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to force Gulliver to appear on your island, but he seems to show up somewhat often and as frequently as once per week. So if you’re after Rusted Parts, be sure to check around your entire beach shoreline every single day for Gulliver.

Convert Communicator Parts into Rusted Parts — Fastest Method

If you want to get even more Rusted Parts, there’s another method to use, although it comes with a small sacrifice. It’s definitely the fastest way to get Rusted Parts by far though.

You know those Communicator Parts that you dig up from the sand and give Gulliver to help him out? Instead of giving them to Gulliver, keep all five of them in your pockets until the next in-game day and you’ll find them transformed into Rusted Parts later!

On the other hand though, this method means you won’t be able to fulfill Gulliver’s quest on that day, which results in not receiving a Souvenir item present from him in the mail next day. So you’ll have to sacrifice items in the name of more Rusted Parts if you choose to go down this route.

What to Use Rusted Parts For

Rusted Parts are a crafting material that can be used for crafting a very special item towards the late-game of Animal Crossing: New Horizons! At this time, we are only aware of one DIY Crafting recipe that uses the Rusted Part material as an ingredient.

How to Craft Robot Hero with Rusted Parts

The Robot Hero DIY Crafting recipe can be unlocked by redeeming 5000 Nook Miles at the Nook Stop terminal, after the Resident Services building has been upgraded to the Town Hall with Isabelle!

The following materials are required to craft the Robot Hero:

  • 1 Rocket
  • 1 Gold Armor
  • 30 Rusted Parts
  • 90 Iron Nuggets
  • 10 Gold Nuggets

As you can see, you will need a whopping 30 Rusted Parts among other valuable materials to complete crafting the Robot Hero furniture item! That means you’ll need to find and help Gulliver thirty different times to get what you need, or take advantage of the trick with Communicator Parts we outlined earlier.

Of course, it’s worth remembering that trading with friends is always an option. You might be able to get a friend to trade you their Rusted Parts for Bells or other items if they’re not interested in the Robot Hero.

Suffice to say, you should definitely hang onto your Rusted Parts that you come across, either for your own personal uses later or for trading to someone who needs them. They’re certainly valuable!

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