Shell Furniture Set: How to Craft & Get All Items + Variations

The Shell Furniture Set is a beautiful collection of furniture in Animal Crossing: New Horizons crafted using shells found on your beach! Learn how to craft and get all of the Shell Furniture in this guide.
List of Shell Furniture Set Items + Variations
The complete list below includes all of the regular Shell Furniture Set items we have found so far in Animal Crossing: New Horizons with screenshots of each item, the crafting materials you need to make each item, and all of the variations you can customize.
Note that there are also Shell items that can be crafted using blue Summer Shells, which are a Summer seasonal exclusive crafting material covered in our separate Summer Shells DIY Crafting Recipes & How To Get Them guide here.
How to Craft Shell Arch
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Arch:
- 3 Sea Snail
- 3 Venus Comb
- 3 Sand Dollar
- 3 Coral
- 3 Giant Clam
- 3 Cowrie
All Shell Arch Variations
The Shell Arch can be customized at any workbench into additional Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple, and Pearl variations. Check out the designs below:
How to Craft Shell Bed
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Bed:
- 5 Giant Clam
- 3 Clay
- 4 Stone
All Shell Bed Variations
The Shell Bed can be customized at any workbench into additional Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple, and Pearl variations. Check out the designs below:
How to Craft Shell Rug
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Rug:
- 3 Giant Clam
How to Craft Shell Fountain
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Fountain:
- 5 Giant Clam
- 3 Stone
All Shell Fountain Variations
The Shell Fountain can be customized at any workbench into additional Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple, and Pearl variations. Check out the designs below:
How to Craft Shell Lamp
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Lamp:
- 2 Giant Clam
- 3 Clay
All Shell Lamp Variations
The Shell Lamp can be customized at any workbench into additional Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple, and Pearl variations. Check out the designs below:
How to Craft Shell Partition
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Partition:
- 4 Venus Comb
- 4 Conch
All Shell Partition Variations
The Shell Partition can be customized at any workbench into additional Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple, and Pearl variations. Check out the designs below:
How to Craft Shell Speaker
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Speaker:
- 3 Conch
- 2 Iron Nugget
All Shell Speaker Variations
The Shell Speaker can be customized at any workbench into additional Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple, and Pearl variations. Check out the designs below:
How to Craft Shell Stool
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Stool:
- 5 Cowrie
All Shell Stool Variations
The Shell Stool can be customized at any workbench into additional Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple, and Pearl variations. Check out the designs below:
How to Craft Shell Table
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Table:
- 7 Sand Dollar
- 3 Clay
All Shell Table Variations
The Shell Table can be customized at any workbench into additional Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple, and Pearl variations. Check out the designs below:
How to Craft Sandy-Beach Flooring
The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Shell Arch:
- 1 Sea Snail
- 1 Venus Comb
- 1 Sand Dollar
- 1 Coral
- 1 Giant Clam
- 1 Cowrie
How to Get Shell Furniture DIY Recipes
There are a few different ways you can find and get new Shell Furniture DIY Crafting Recipes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but unfortunately most of them are completely random and rely on good luck.
Flying Balloon Presents
All Balloon Presents (except for event balloons, like during Bunny Day) flying in the sky over your island have a chance of dropping a Shell Furniture DIY Crafting recipe, among many other items! There’s no way to control what you’ll get, so just keep shooting them down until you get lucky.
Beach Message Bottles
A new Message Bottle item can usually be found on your island’s beach once per day and sometimes on mystery islands with Nook Miles Tickets. These bottles always have a chance of containing an Shell Furniture DIY Crafting recipe!
Villagers Crafting in Houses
Sometimes you can discover your villagers crafting at the workbench inside their houses! If you spot this, be sure to speak to them and learn the DIY Crafting recipe for whatever new item they’re working on. It’s possible for this to be a Shell Furniture item.
If you have found more beach or shell related items that can crafted using Shells, please let us know with a screenshot in the comments below! Thanks to Dizzy Bone and Thunder for contributing photos to this guide.
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