Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) Guides

Acorn & Pine Cone DIY Crafting Recipes: How To Find & Get Them [2022]

Acorns & Pine Cones are special autumn seasonal crafting materials in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH)! Learn how to get Acorns Acorn & Pine Cones Pine Cone and all of the fall themed items you can craft with them in this guide.

How to Find & Get Acorns And Pine Cones in New Horizons

To find and get Acorn Acorn & Pine Cone Pine Cone crafting materials in Animal Crossing: New Horizons on your island, you’ll need to be playing during the Autumn season in September, October, November, and the first 10 days of December for the Northern Hemisphere or March, April, May, and the first 10 days of June for the Southern Hemisphere. They replace the seasonal Summer Shells found in the Summer months beforehand.

Acorns Acorn & Pine Cones Pine Cone can be easily obtained by shaking the trees on your island during this limited period in the Autumn months of the year. You’ll want to shake normal hardwood trees to get Acorns, and shake tall cedar trees to find Pine Cones.

Not every shake of a tree drops an item though, and the tree will drop plenty of Tree Branches as well, but once a Pine Cone Pine Cone or Acorn Acorn drops simply pick it up and you can begin crafting the exclusive autumn items. That’s assuming you have learned some of the Autumn DIY Crafting Recipes for them though. Read on further in this guide to see all of the possible recipes!

How To Efficiently Get Acorns & Pine Cones Quickly

Acorns Acorn and Pine Cones Pine Cone are the easiest seasonal crafting materials to gather in Animal Crossing: New Horizons as they can both be infinitely farmed from trees on your island. Each tree can drop an unlimited amount of materials with enough shaking, just like tree branches.

From our research, there’s a roughly 15% drop rate chance of an item from a tree producing an Acorn or Pine Cone in place of a Tree Branch. Keep in mind that not every shake on a tree drops an item though,

Unlike the Summer Shells for example, there’s no need to wait for time to pass before more Acorns or Pine Cones can appear — simply shake trees as much you want until you have every material you need for crafting.

Getting Acorns & Pine Cones Outside Of Autumn

If you want to find Acorns Acorn and Pine Cones Pine Cone outside of the real-world Autumn or Fall season, you’ll have to time travel to an autumn month by changing your Nintendo Switch’s date and time. You might also want to try visiting a friend in the opposite Hemisphere as you if it’s Spring on your island.

Alternatively, you can also buy and trade Acorns and Pine Cones from other players online as these items can be easily dropped or mailed for trading purposes.

Acorn & Pine Cone Sell Price at Nook’s Cranny

If you don’t want to craft items using them, both Acorns Acorn and Pine Cones Pine Cone can be sold to Timmy & Tommy at Nook’s Cranny for a sell price of 200 Bells each. You only need to find about 35 Acorns and 31 Pine Cones to craft the entire set, and you have the entire 3 months of Autumn, so don’t hesitate too much about selling them. A complete materials list can be found later in this guide.

Autumn Acorn & Pine Cone DIY Crafting Recipes List

There are 10 different Autumn themed items you can exclusively craft with Acorn and Pine Cone seasonal materials in Animal Crossing: New Horizons including furniture, wallpaper, flooring, accessories, and more.

In the Version 2.0 Update released during November 2021, a new 10th recipe called the Acorn Rug was introduced to the game. This guide has been updated accordingly. No further items have been released during 2022.

The complete list below includes all of the Acorn & Pine Cone items and their DIY Crafting recipes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons with photos of each item, the crafting materials you need to make them, and how to unlock the recipes.

Acorn Pochette (DIY Crafting Recipe)

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Acorn Pochette:

  • 6 Acorn Acorn

Acorn Rug (DIY Crafting Recipe)

This recipe was newly added in the Version 2.0 Update. The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Acorn Rug:

  • 6 Acorn Acorn

Leaf Campfire (DIY Crafting Recipe)

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Leaf Campfire:

  • 3 Pine Cone Pine Cone
  • 5 Clump of Weeds
  • 3 Tree Branch

Pile of Leaves (DIY Crafting Recipe)

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Pile Of Leaves:

  • 3 Pine Cone Pine Cone
  • 5 Clump of Weeds

Pine Bonsai Tree (DIY Crafting Recipe)

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Pine Bonsai Tree:

  • 8 Pine Cone Pine Cone
  • 5 Clay

Traditional Balancing Toy (DIY Crafting Recipe)

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Traditional Balancing Toy:

  • 4 Acorn Acorn
  • 2 Hardwood

Tree’s Bounty Arch (DIY Crafting Recipe)

Note that the Tree’s Bounty Arch requires the Maple Leaf Maple Leaf crating material, which can only be obtained during November 16th to 26th in the Northern Hemisphere or May 16th to 26th in the Southern Hemisphere.

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Tree’s Bounty Arch:

Tree’s Bounty Big Tree (DIY Crafting Recipe)

Note that the Tree’s Bounty Big Tree requires the Maple Leaf Maple Leaf crating material, which can only be obtained during November 16th to 26th in the Northern Hemisphere or May 16th to 26th in the Southern Hemisphere.

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Tree’s Bounty Big Tree:

  • 4 Acorn Acorn
  • 4 Clay
  • 5 Maple Leaf Maple Leaf
  • 5 Pine Cone Pine Cone
  • 5 Tree Branch

Tree’s Bounty Lamp (DIY Crafting Recipe)

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Tree’s Bounty Lamp:

  • 6 Acorn Acorn
  • 4 Clay

Tree’s Bounty Little Tree (DIY Crafting Recipe)

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Tree’s Bounty Little Tree:

  • 6 Pine Cone Pine Cone
  • 4 Acorn Acorn
  • 1 Hardwood

Tree’s Bounty Mobile (DIY Crafting Recipe)

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Tree’s Bounty Mobile:

  • 2 Pine Cone Pine Cone
  • 3 Acorn Acorn
  • 3 Tree Branch

Yellow-Leaf Pile (DIY Crafting Recipe)

The following crafting materials below are required to craft the Yellow-Leaf Pile:

  • 3 Acorn Acorn
  • 5 Clump of Weeds

Total Materials Needed To Craft All Acorn & Pine Cone Items

Looking to craft the entire set of Acorn & Pine Cone items? In the handy table below, you can find a complete summary of how many autumn and other crafting materials are needed to craft every single item listed above.

Acorn Acorn41
Pine Cone Pine Cone31
Tree Branch23
Clump of Weeds15
Maple Leaf Maple Leaf10

The Maple Leaf materials required to craft the Tree’s Bounty Arch and Tree’s Bounty Big Tree are included above, overlapping with the materials list in our Maple Leaf guide.

How to Get & Learn Acorn & Pine Cone DIY Recipes

There are two ways you can find and get new Acorn & Pine Cone DIY Crafting Recipes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but unfortunately it’s mostly dependent on luck taking time and patience.

Morning Isabelle Announcement — Tree’s Bounty Little Tree

Near the beginning of the Autumn Season in September for Northern Hemisphere and March for Southern Hemisphere, you should hear from Isabelle in the morning announcements about the new seasonal crafting material and recipes. If you haven’t already learned the Tree’s Bounty Little Tree DIY Crafting recipe, she’ll send it to your NookPhone during the announcements.

In earlier versions of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there were various bugs which would prevent these morning announcement recipes from being properly distributed. However, we believe these issues have been resolved now and all players should receive the recipe from Isabelle as soon as there are no other announcements to display.

Don’t get too worked up if you miss out on Isabelle’s morning announcement though, because the Tree’s Bounty Little Tree DIY Crafting recipe can be obtained through regular balloon presents during the season as well — it’s not exclusive to the announcements by any means.

Flying Balloon Presents

During the Autumn season, all Balloon Presents flying in the sky over your island have a chance of dropping an Acorn or Pine Cone DIY Crafting recipe! Unfortunately, there’s no concrete way to control exactly what you’ll get, so just keep shooting them down until you get lucky.

Duplicate DIY Crafting Recipe items are easily possible too and should be expected, so we recommend trying to make trades with friends to complete the collection faster. You may be able to sell any duplicates for a hefty amount online too, especially to players in the opposite Hemisphere as you.

We do have some tips for how you can most effectively hunt and farm balloon presents though! First of all, watch for the balloon traveling direction — they will always fly across your island in a single direction during the morning and afternoon. Then later in the day around 6PM, the direction of wind will reverse!

Whichever end of your island the balloons are travelling from, we recommend hanging out on that beach side to regularly walk up and down the shore looking for them as they first reach the island. Pass the time by collecting some Manila Clams or trying your hand at fishing too!

Secondly, flying balloon presents always have a chance of spawning on an every 5 minute cycle beginning at 4 minutes past the hour. That means you can expect possible balloon spawns at 1:04, 1:09, 1:14, 1:19, and so on. Keep in mind these are possible appearances though — they won’t always show up every time and a spawn time could pass by multiple times before actually happening.

What About Bottles & Villagers Crafting?

Contrary to popular belief, these special seasonal crafting recipes are exclusive to dropping from flying balloon presents in the sky. Your villagers crafting in their homes and message in a bottles appearing on your beach draw from a separate pool of DIY recipes.

Thanks to Mogyay and Murray for contributing photos to this guide. If you have any suggestions or spot any errors, please help us out in the comments below so we can address them!

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